LASS 感測器驗證 - Grove - Multichannel Gas Sensor

感測器:Grove - Multichannel Gas Sensor

Verification Code: github

Wiki : Basic features, Sample code, Schematic/Layout


Library needed


The concentration of NH3 is 0.99 ppm

The concentration of CO is 4.39 ppm

The concentration of NO2 is 0.15 ppm

The concentration of C3H8 is 1000.04 ppm

The concentration of C4H10 is 999.98 ppm

The concentration of CH4 is 2991.14 ppm

The concentration of H2 is 1.09 ppm

The concentration of C2H50H is 1.62 ppm


NH3 CO NO2 C3H8 C4H10 CH4 H2 C2H50H
Average(All) 0.9917137097 3.151754032 0.1861491935 1002.804476 999.98 3119.146915 1.123760081 1.526199597
STD(All) 0.009671010785 1.327869833 0.0269261036 15.2344952 0 1025.557626 0.2499942984 0.5539852611
Max(All) 1.08 14.1 0.26 1151.01 999.98 12983.56 4.34 7.55
Min(All) 0.99 1.68 0.12 1000.04 999.98 2991.14 1.09 1.4
Average(bottom half) 0.99 2.418891129 0.2076008065 1000.04 999.98 2991.14 1.09 1.4
STD(bottom half) 0 0.1922587173 0.01309213348 0 0 0 0 0
Max(bottom half) 0.99 2.84 0.26 1000.04 999.98 2991.14 1.09 1.4
Min(bottom half) 0.99 1.68 0.19 1000.04 999.98 2991.14 1.09 1.4
Average(top half) 0.9934274194 3.884616935 0.1646975806 1005.568952 999.98 3247.153831 1.157520161 1.652399194
STD(top half) 0.01346701073 1.554583271 0.01891793212 21.19747687 0 1439.730505 0.3504803336 0.7632183915
Max(top half) 1.08 14.1 0.22 1151.01 999.98 12983.56 4.34 7.55
Min(top half) 0.99 2.23 0.12 1000.04 999.98 2991.14 1.09 1.4
在後半段,約10 分鐘後,NH3,C3H8,C4H10,CH4,H2, C2H50H 數值都沒變過,似乎暖機完成
CO 感測器看起來需要暖機

Extract script

cat multi-gas.txt | grep ’CSV’ | grep -v ’NH3’


Q1 : 如何得知一般環境正常值範圍,好做初步的檢查?

在不同情境下,得知應該有的值域,目的是檢查是否感測器有問題,或是 Code 寫錯。值域最好有範圍,以及一般值,或是平均值
