研究筆記 - 感測器的用途發想
- 在 iCShop 逛零件,看到 SparkFun 的 Essential Sensor Kit , 感覺裡面的 sensor 超有意思的,在發想有甚麼用途
- 發想方向 - Top down
- 一般如果你已經有想解決的問題,你會去找可能用得上的感測器,這裡稱為 Top down
- 發想方向 - Bottom up
- 一般你已經看到有意思的零件,你在想有什麼可能的應用場景,這裡稱為 Bottom up
- 由於這個研究主題是感測器的用途發想,所以算是 Bottom up 的方式
- 該選擇哪種方向
- 哈爸不知道,一般兩個方向都會輪流嘗試,慢慢設計出一個能解決問題的方法
- 胡思亂想,未嘗不是個壞方法,但是有點章法的發想,能更有系統,也讓發想能有個結束,而不是永遠的亂想。
- 有個例子比較好,既然是這個緣起,那就來發想 Essential Sensor Kit 其中的感測器
步驟 1 - 了解感測器規格
- 舉這個為例 :0.5" Force Sensitive Resistor - A force sensing resistor with a 0.5" diameter sensing area. Great for sensing pressure (i.e. if it’s being squeezed).
- 大體上我們需要的就是 100g-10kg, 誤差 ± 5% to ± 25 ,輸出約略線性,但不被建議用來做精準的量測。溫度範圍 -30ºC to +70°C
- 順便觀察可實現性
- Arduino, 有 code, 有建議電路 => 可行
步驟 2 - 發想情境範圍
- 天外飛來一筆的偉大 Idea, 一般是可遇不可求,鎖定一些發想情境,會比較容易激發靈感,情境可以一個一個持續發想。這裡順便做農業感測的發想
- 廠商資料中被建議的應用場景
- 一般 datasheet 會寫建議的應用場景,但這份沒寫
- 查網路
- 壓力感測器也常用於仿生機器人或娛樂型機器人身上,只是壓力感測器的成本相對較低,在成本敏感度較高的玩具設計則相當常見用於互動型玩具設計應用中。例如娛樂型機器人可以在身上不同部位設置壓力感測模組,當感測模組受外力壓迫時,該元件就會解析輸出該部位的壓力施力大小。
- 壓力感應器也常見用於醫療用途,例如運用陣列式壓力感測技術感測身體或是腳底的壓力分佈現況,藉此分析睡眠或是運動足部的身體或腳底壓力變化。
- 壓電式加速度感測器主要運用于飛機、汽車、船舶、橋樑和建築的振動和衝擊測量
- 有沒有需要什麼被壓過去的次數(或偵測)
- 有沒有需要知道重量(壓力)變化的
- 有沒有需要對比式壓力差(兩個 FSR 互K )
- 有沒有能用在農場履歷的情境
- 有沒有施肥能否等價成,當天是否農機開過次數>10?
步驟三 - 驗證發想的可實現性
- 有點子後,選擇比較想深入確認的項目,竟可能用最簡單的方式,做最基本的確認。這裡指的確認並不限定是開始做實驗,畢竟要開始做實驗,就有東西要準備,要買,就有投入了。
- 先就不用投入的先確認
- 舉農機開過去的次數為例
- 別的車子開過去會不會影響觀測
- 會不會過重 sensor 受不了
- 實作 sensor 做簡單的實驗,確認可行性
- 在瞭解可實現性時,因為對感測器特性與情境有更深入的了解,可持續
- 這篇剛好寫得很貼切,基本上在不同的感測器都滿適用的
- FSR Integration Notes A Step-by-Step Guide to Optimal Use
- FSR® Integration Guide & Evaluation Parts Catalog 第八頁
發想範例 - SparkFun Essential Sensor Kit
參考 - SparkFun Essential Sensor Kit
Description: Want to start playing with sensors, but don’t know where to begin? This kit includes a variety of basic sensors for any beginner or experienced programmer. With everything included in this kit, you’ll be able to sense acceleration, force, vibration, Infrared light, ambient light, temperature, and more! These are some great basic sensors from varying categories.
This huge assortment of sensors makes an amazing gift for that very special electronics geek; they won’t be able to thank you enough!
Kit Includes:
- Triple Axis Accelerometer Breakout - MMA8452Q - Senses acceleration along all three axes, with a range of up to ±3g. Fully analog interface.
- Hall Effect Sensor - Holding a magnet near this sensor will cause the output pin to toggle. This makes for a robust presence sensor.
- Tilt Sensor - A simple AT407 basic tilt switch that can easily be used to detect orientation on your project.
- Piezo Element - These two Piezo elements come in handy when you need to detect vibration or a knock. You can use these for tap or knock sensors pretty easily by reading the voltage on the output.
- Insulated Reed Switch - Senses magnetic fields, makes for a great non-contact switch.
- IR Receiver Diode - The TSOP382 is a miniaturized receiver for infrared remote control systems.
- Infrared LED - This is a very simple, clear infrared LED. These devices operate between 940-950nm and work well for generic IR systems.
- TMP36 - Temperature Sensor - The TMP36 is a low voltage, precision centigrade temperature sensor. It provides a voltage output that is linearly proportional to the Celsius temperature.
- Trimpot 10K with Knob - This 10K trimmable potentiometer has a small knob built right in and it’s breadboard friendly to boot!
- 0.25" Magnet Square - Plays nicely with the reed switch. Embed the magnet into stuffed animals or inside a box to create a hidden actuator to the reed switch.
- 0.5" Force Sensitive Resistor - A force sensing resistor with a 0.5" diameter sensing area. Great for sensing pressure (i.e. if it’s being squeezed).
- Mini Photocell - The photocell will vary its resistance based on how much light it’s exposed to. Will vary from 1kΩ in the light to 10kΩ in the dark.
- Flex Sensor - As the sensor is flexed, the resistance across the sensor increases. Useful for sensing motion or positioning
- Piezo Buzzer/Speaker - This is a small 12mm round speaker that operates around the audible 2kHz range. You can use these speakers to create simple music or user interfaces.
- Resistor 1.0M Ohm 1/6 Watt PTH - Two 1/6th Watt, +/- 5% tolerance PTH resistors. Commonly used in breadboards and perf boards
Arduino練習:壓力感測器(Force-Sensitive Resistor)