研究筆記 - ThinkSpeak trigger IFTTT
IFTTT Maker channel
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- ThingHTTP + IFTTT Maker | ThingSpeak Apps
Create IFTTT recipe
- Choose Maker channel, setup event name (ex: PmHigh )
- In the Maker channel , click How to Trigger Events to test your recipe
Create thinkhttp
- URL: https://maker.ifttt.com/trigger/PmHigh/with/key/YOUR_KEY
- Method:POST
- Content Type:
- HTTP Version:1.1
- Host:maker.ifttt.com
- Headers:
- Body:{ "value1" : "%%channel_xxx_field_1%%" }
- Parse String:
Create React
==> Result: it works, but I can’t get the channel value. The self test in the IFTTT works. I guess the problem is %%channel_xxx_field_1%% didn’t get replaced.